Races - RiftMud
RiftMud has several races available for the player characters to choose from, each with thier own strengths and weaknesses. Listed below are the races available in addition to their unique racial skills that are enhanced as a player ages.
- Centaur - centaur kick, anti-magic aura
- Cyborg - powerup, powerdown
- Dragon - tooth and claw, shriek, scales
- Dwarf - kneecap, repair, break
- Elemental - glean, call elemental
- Elf - circle, awareness
- Feline - rake, hiss
- Gremlin - tokenbreak, jinx, tap
- Human - esp, dragonslay, smith
- Insectoid - carapace, third wield
- Mutant - mutate, regenerate
- Rakshasa - swipe, mirror image
- Sprite - dust, hyper-metabolism, invis
- Troll - throw, crush
- Vampire - bite, feed
- Werebeast - bite, lunge